Genux develops the leader and the organisation.
Along with the individual leader, we create a clear focus.
Genux Executive offers individual counselling, sparring, and coaching for leaders.
The leader
The department
The management team
The organisation
The implementation of a new strategy requires that the organisation is adapted and reorganised to support the new direction.
Genux offers counselling, sparring on organising and organisational development.
"In implementing our strategy, it is especially important that we have our leaders and employers onboard. It is often a question of there being a lot of potential, but you don't understand how to use it and make people the best version of themselves - and that is a part of what Genux is helping with."
When differences are used positively, the management team is strong. Genux therefore offers development programs for management teams.
Potentialet & talenterne
Everyone has unexploited potential. But who in the organisation has what potential? How do we identify future leaders? And how do we develop the competencies in the organisation?
Genux offers the performance of tests and assessment centers as well as counselling on talent development.
The HR function
The HR function’s strategy must be linked to the business strategy. Results must be measurable and the roles in HR must match the organisation’s need for recruitment, development and systems.
Genux also offers advice on developing the company’s HR organisation.
Business Coaching
The model
"I have had to figure out what ambitions I have on behalf of the employees - this is extremely important to me. For the past few years, we have been very focused on internal culture, and we have been very successful in doing so, which is why we have been awarded Denmark's best workplace in 2021."
– Thea Larsen
Contact Genux
Our website is merely a business card - in fact we are much more interested in listening to others rather than ourselves.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.